Win An Exceptional Trip to Iceland Giveaway - Terms & Conditions



The Win an Exceptional Trip to Iceland giveaway will end at 11:59pm PST, August 20, 2023 . Participation in the Win an Exceptional Trip to Iceland giveaway constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules, and Icelandic Glacial's decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. The Giveaway is sponsored by Icelandic Glacial who is solely responsible for all aspects of this Campaign.



This prize draw is open to Eligible Participants. An Eligible Participant is a person aged 18 years or over who is following our Instagram account @icelandicglacial and has tagged their friend on our Giveaway post.

Employees, officers and representatives of Icelandic Glacial and members of the immediate family (mother, father, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and spouse, regardless of where they reside) and household members of each such employee, whether related or not, are not eligible to participate. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.


How to participate

During the Campaign Period, any account-holder on Instagram may tag another Instagram account-holders. Multiple entries allowed, one tagged person per comment.

How to enter:

  1. Follow us on Instagram @icelandicglacial
  2. Like the giveaway post on our Instagram @icelandicglacial
  3. Tag a friend who you would like to experience Iceland with  

Limitations of Liability

Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, suspend and/or modify the Contest, or any part of it, at any time, without notice, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest in whole or in part, at any time, without notice and award prizes using all non-suspect eligible entries received as of the termination/suspension date, if any infection, computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other cause beyond Sponsor’s control, affects the integrity or proper conduct of the Contest. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process (if applicable) or the operation of the Contest or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other Contest or in a disruptive manner. Sponsor assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries. Sponsor is not responsible for: lost, late, incomplete, illegible, incorrect, delayed, garbled, undelivered, or misdirected entries; theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; failures or malfunctions of phones, phone lines or telephone or data transmission systems; interrupted or unavailable network, server or other connections; any error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in any transmission or communication; CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEBSITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES OR OTHER REMEDIES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTEMPT TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of an individual who participated in the Giveaway, the participation will be deemed submitted by the authorized email account-holder. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an account on Instagram. Potential winner may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder.



The first randomly-chosen contestant will win a trip to Iceland for two people that includes:

A. Flights with Icelandair

a. Icelandair Gift Certificate, redeemable towards flights from any current Icelandair gateway to Iceland out of the United States. 

b. The value of the Gift Certificate is up to US$1,500. Any additional flight costs will be the responsibility of the contest winner. 

B. Hotel accommodation for three (3) nights at Midgardur by Center Hotels

a. One room, double occupancy

c. Room reservations are subject to availability and blackout dates apply

C. Two (2) round-trip bus transfer from KEF airport to hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland

a. Value for bus transfer is up to US$250

D. One (1) Year supply of Icelandic Glacial Water

a.  Equal to 1 case of 1L PET or 500ml PET per month

b. Shipping address must be in the US

Prizes can change at the discretion of Icelandic Glacial at any time, via either addition, removal or replacement. By accepting the prizes, winner agrees to release Icelandic Glacial from any and all liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind caused by entering the Contest or for damages of any kind caused by any prize or resulting from acceptance, possession, or use/misuse of prize awarded, or while preparing for, participating in, and/or traveling to and from any prize-related activity. Prizes will be awarded “as is” with no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied, by Icelandic Glacial. Icelandic Glacial does not guarantee any third party’s performance nor does it guarantee any of the services or materials provided by any third party.

All prize details will be determined in Icelandic Glacial sole discretion. Prize can not be paid out in cash, is non-assignable, non-transferable, and must be accepted as awarded. No substitutions may be made. Prize will only be awarded to the verified winner.


The winner has until December 2024 to book their trip.



We will be choosing and announcing the winner on August 21st. Winners will be chosen by a random comment generator. Only accounts who are following us on Instagram (@icelandicglacial) will be processed (we will be checking).

The winning participants will coordinate prize delivery with an assigned representative of Icelandic Glacial via email provided by the drawn winner via Instagram direct messages.

The Contest winners will first be required to sign and return a release as further described below under Prize Conditions. Odds of winning will be determined by the number of eligible participants. Prize consists of only those items specifically described as included in the prize. Any fees and/or taxes, federal or local, or costs and expenses relating to the use, acceptance and possession of the prize are the sole responsibility of the winning entrant.

If a potential winner cannot be reached after a reasonable effort has been exerted during five (5) business days from the date of the Contest drawing, or if he/she is found to be ineligible, or if he/she cannot or does not comply with these Official Rules, an alternate winner may be selected.


Prize Conditions

All Prize winners are solely responsible for all applicable federal and/or local taxes associated with the receipt of any prize. When receiving the prize, if potential winner fails to agree to terms and conditions or if a potential winner is not in compliance with these Official Rules, then such person shall be disqualified and at Sponsors’ sole discretion, an alternate winner may be selected for the prize at issue. Each potential winner is subject to verification before any prize will be awarded.



Acceptance of a prize constitutes consent to Icelandic Glacial’s use of winning entrants’ name, likeness, photograph, any possible footage, photographs and video, voice, opinions, hometown for Campaign purposes in any media, worldwide, (including but not limited to internet and television broadcast) without further consent or compensation except where prohibited.


Other Terms & Conditions

By participating in the Contest, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and agree that: Released Parties and their designees and assigns and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents shall have no liability and entrant will indemnify, defend and hold Released Parties harmless from any liability, loss, injury, or damage to entrant themselves or any other person or entity, including personal injury, death or damage to personal or real property, to entrant or any other person or entity due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of the prize (including any prize activity or travel related thereto) or participation in this Contest. Entrants further acknowledge that said parties have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to the prize, including, but not limited to, its quality or fitness for a particular purpose. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any entry and to modify, terminate or suspend this Contest should virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, action of entrants, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Sponsors corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of the Contest and, if the Contest is modified, terminated or suspended, at Sponsors’ discretion, select winners from those eligible, non-suspect entries. Entrants further acknowledge that said parties have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to the prize, including, but not limited to, its quality or fitness for a particular purpose.



By participating in the Contest, entrants agree that:

A. Any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Contest, or any prizes awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action;

B. Any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in the Contest but in no event attorneys’ fees; and

C. Under no circumstances will any entrant be permitted to obtain any award for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental or consequential damages and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.

All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrants and Sponsors or the Released Parties in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with Icelandic law. Any legal proceedings arising out of this Contest or relating to these Official Rules shall be instituted only in Icelandic courts, and the parties consent to jurisdiction therein with respect to any legal proceedings or disputes of whatever nature arising under or relating to these Official Rules. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein.


Winners List

For a copy of the Official Rules and/or a written list of winners please send a self-addressed, stamped business size envelope to:

Icelandic Glacial – Win a Trip to Iceland Giveaway
9608 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90232